Hiring a House Cleaner: Essential Interview Tips

If you’re looking to hire a house cleaner, you want to make sure you find the right person for the job. A professional house cleaner can make a big difference in the cleanliness and organization of your home, but it’s important to ask the right interview questions to ensure you’re hiring the best candidate. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide to interview questions for hiring a house cleaner.

Understanding the role of a house cleaner is important when preparing for the interview. You want to ensure that the candidate has experience with the tasks you need them to perform, such as cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, and bedrooms. Additionally, it’s important to assess their experience and skills to ensure they’re capable of handling the job. Checking references is also crucial to get a better understanding of their work history and reliability. By asking the right interview questions, you can get a better sense of the candidate’s personality traits, cleaning methods, and how they handle emergency situations.

Interviewing potential house cleaners is an important step in the hiring process. By asking the right questions, you can ensure that you’re hiring a professional who is capable of handling the job and will provide you with the best service possible. In the following sections, we’ll provide you with a guide to interview questions for hiring a house cleaner.

Key Takeaways

  • Hiring a professional house cleaner can make a big difference in the cleanliness and organization of your home.
  • Asking the right interview questions can help you find the right candidate for the job.
  • Understanding the role, assessing experience and skills, checking references, evaluating personality traits, and discussing cleaning methods and emergency situations are all important components of the interview process.

Understanding the Role

As you prepare to hire a house cleaner, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the role. This will help you to identify the right candidate and ensure that your expectations are aligned with the responsibilities of the job.

Tasks and Responsibilities

A house cleaner is responsible for ensuring that your home is clean and tidy. This includes a range of tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and cleaning bathrooms and kitchens. Some house cleaners may also be responsible for laundry and ironing, as well as other household tasks such as grocery shopping and meal preparation.

It’s important to be clear about your expectations when it comes to the tasks and responsibilities of the job. Make a list of the specific tasks that you require your house cleaner to perform and communicate this clearly during the interview process. This will help you to identify candidates who have the skills and experience to meet your needs.

Working Hours

House cleaners may work on a full-time or part-time basis, depending on your needs. It’s important to be clear about the working hours required for the job, as this will help you to identify candidates who are available to work during the times that you require.

Some house cleaners may work during the day, while others may work in the evening or on weekends. It’s important to be clear about your expectations when it comes to working hours, as this will help you to identify candidates who are able to meet your needs.

In addition to working hours, it’s also important to be clear about the frequency of cleaning required. Some households may require daily cleaning, while others may only require weekly or bi-weekly cleaning. Be clear about your expectations when it comes to frequency of cleaning, as this will help you to identify candidates who are able to meet your needs.

Having a clear understanding of the tasks, responsibilities, and working hours required for the job will help you to identify the right candidate for your household. Be clear about your expectations and communicate these clearly during the interview process to ensure that you find the right fit for your needs.

Assessing Experience and Skills

When hiring a house cleaner, it’s important to assess their experience and skills to ensure they are capable of performing the job to your satisfaction. Here are some sub-sections that can help you evaluate their experience and skills.

Previous Cleaning Experience

One of the most important factors to consider when hiring a house cleaner is their previous cleaning experience. You want to know if they have worked as a house cleaner before, and if so, for how long. You can ask questions such as:

  • Have you worked as a house cleaner before?
  • How many years of experience do you have in cleaning houses?
  • What types of cleaning tasks have you performed in the past?
  • Are you comfortable with outdoor cleaning tasks?

Special Skills

In addition to previous cleaning experience, you may want to consider if the candidate has any special skills that would make them a good fit for your home. For example, if you have pets, you may want to hire someone who is comfortable working around animals. You can ask questions such as:

  • Are you comfortable working around pets? If so, which types of pets are you most familiar with?
  • Do you have experience working in homes with pets?
  • Are you comfortable using eco-friendly cleaning products?
  • Are you able to perform additional tasks such as laundry or organizing?

By asking these questions, you can determine if the candidate has any special skills that would make them a good fit for your home. It’s important to note that while special skills can be a bonus, they should not be prioritized over previous cleaning experience.

Checking References

When hiring a house cleaner, checking references is an essential step to ensure that you are hiring someone trustworthy and reliable. Here are some sub-sections to consider when checking references.

Previous Employers

One of the most important references to check is the candidate’s previous employers. This will give you an idea of the candidate’s work experience and their ability to perform the job tasks. When contacting previous employers, ask about the candidate’s job duties, work habits, punctuality, and reliability. You can also ask about their strengths and weaknesses and if they would rehire the candidate.

To make the process easier, create a checklist of questions to ask each previous employer. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you are asking the same questions to each employer.

Character References

In addition to previous employers, you can also ask for character references. These are people who know the candidate personally and can vouch for their character and trustworthiness. Character references can be friends, family members, or neighbors.

When contacting character references, ask about the candidate’s personality, communication skills, and if they would trust the candidate with their own home. It’s important to note that character references may be biased, so it’s important to take their feedback with a grain of salt.

Checking references is an important step in the hiring process. It can help you avoid hiring someone who is unreliable or untrustworthy. Always take the time to check references and ask the right questions to ensure that you are making the best hiring decision for your needs.

Discussing Compensation

When hiring a house cleaner, it’s important to discuss compensation early on in the interview process. This can help prevent any misunderstandings or surprises later on. In this section, we’ll cover some sub-sections related to discussing compensation.

Salary Expectations

One of the first things you should discuss with a potential house cleaner is their salary expectations. This can help you determine if their expectations are in line with your budget. Be clear about what you’re willing to pay and what you expect in return. You can use a table or bullet points to outline the expected salary range, depending on the level of experience and responsibilities.


In addition to salary, you may want to discuss benefits with your potential house cleaner. This can include things like paid time off, health insurance, and retirement plans. Be clear about what benefits you’re willing to offer and what the requirements are to qualify for them. You can use bullet points or a table to outline the benefits package, including any eligibility requirements.

Remember, discussing compensation is an important part of the hiring process. Be clear about your expectations and what you’re willing to offer. This can help you find the right candidate for the job and prevent any misunderstandings later on.

Evaluating Personality Traits

When hiring a house cleaner, it’s important to evaluate their personality traits to ensure that they have the right qualities for the job. Here are two essential personality traits to consider:

Work Ethic

A strong work ethic is crucial for a house cleaner. You need someone who is reliable, punctual, and dedicated to doing a good job. During the interview, ask questions about their work history and how they approach their work. Look for someone who takes pride in their work and is willing to go the extra mile to ensure that your home is clean and tidy.

Here are some questions you could ask to evaluate their work ethic:

  • How do you prioritize your cleaning tasks?
  • Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond for a client?
  • How do you handle difficult cleaning tasks?


Trustworthiness is also a key personality trait to look for in a house cleaner. You need someone who is honest, respectful, and can be trusted to work in your home unsupervised. During the interview, ask questions about their background and past work experience. Look for someone who is open and transparent about their past and has a good track record of working with clients.

Here are some questions you could ask to evaluate their trustworthiness:

  • Can you provide references from past clients?
  • Have you ever had a disagreement with a client? How did you handle it?
  • How do you ensure that you respect a client’s privacy and personal belongings?

Understanding Their Cleaning Methods

When hiring a house cleaner, it’s important to understand their cleaning methods to ensure that they align with your preferences and needs. Here are some sub-sections to consider when discussing their cleaning methods.

Preferred Cleaning Supplies

One of the first things you should ask your potential house cleaner is what cleaning supplies they prefer to use. Some cleaners may prefer to use natural or eco-friendly products, while others may use more traditional cleaning supplies. It’s important to make sure that the cleaning supplies they use are safe for your home and your family.

If you have specific preferences for cleaning supplies, such as avoiding certain chemicals or fragrances, make sure to communicate this with your house cleaner. They may be able to accommodate your preferences or suggest alternative cleaning supplies that meet your needs.

Handling Tough Stains

Another important aspect of a house cleaner’s cleaning methods is how they handle tough stains. Whether it’s a stubborn grease stain on your kitchen counter or a red wine spill on your carpet, it’s important to know that your house cleaner has the skills and tools to effectively remove these stains.

Ask your house cleaner about their experience with tough stains and what methods they use to remove them. They may have specific products or techniques that they use for different types of stains. If you have any specific stains or areas of concern in your home, make sure to point these out to your house cleaner so that they can address them appropriately.

Emergency Situations

When hiring a house cleaner, it’s important to consider how they handle emergency situations. You want to hire someone who can stay calm and handle unexpected events with professionalism and care. Here are some sub-sections that you should consider when interviewing a house cleaner.

Handling Breakages

Accidents happen, and it’s important to know how your house cleaner will handle them. Ask the candidate how they would handle a situation where they accidentally break something in your home. Look for answers that show accountability and a willingness to make things right.

If a house cleaner breaks something in your home, they should immediately inform you and offer to replace or repair the item. They should also take steps to prevent further damage, such as sweeping up broken glass.

Dealing with Unexpected Situations

Unexpected situations can arise during a house cleaning, such as a pet getting loose or a child getting injured. Ask the candidate how they would handle these situations. Look for answers that show a calm and level-headed approach.

If a pet gets loose, the house cleaner should immediately inform you and work with you to safely capture the pet. If a child gets injured, the house cleaner should immediately call for medical assistance and inform you of the situation.

It’s important to hire a house cleaner who can handle unexpected situations with professionalism and care. Look for candidates who have experience in dealing with emergencies and who have a plan in place for handling unexpected events.

Hiring a house cleaner who can handle emergency situations is crucial for the safety and well-being of your home and family. Make sure to ask the right questions during the interview process to ensure that you hire the right person for the job.

Closing the Interview

Once you have asked all of your questions and learned about the candidate’s experience and skills, it’s time to wrap up the interview. Here are some steps you can take to close the interview and move forward with the hiring process.

Next Steps

Before the interview concludes, be sure to outline the next steps in the hiring process. This will help the candidate understand what to expect and when to follow up with you. You may want to provide a timeline for when you will be making a decision, or let the candidate know when they can expect to hear back from you.

Final Questions

Before you end the interview, give the candidate an opportunity to ask any final questions they may have. This is a good time for them to clarify anything they may not have understood or to ask about any concerns they have about the job. Here are some sample questions they may ask:

  • What are the hours for this position?
  • What is the pay rate?
  • How many days a week is the job?
  • Will I need to bring my own cleaning supplies?
  • Will I be working alone or with a team?

Be sure to answer their questions honestly and to the best of your ability. If you don’t know the answer to a question, let them know that you will find out and get back to them.

In conclusion, closing the interview is an important step in the hiring process. By outlining the next steps and giving the candidate an opportunity to ask final questions, you can ensure that both you and the candidate are on the same page and that the hiring process moves forward smoothly.


In this article, we have discussed some of the most common interview questions that you can ask when hiring a house cleaner. These questions will help you assess the candidate’s skills, experience, and personality, and determine if they are the right fit for your household.

Here is a table summarizing the questions we covered:

Interview QuestionDescription
Why are you interested in this role?Assess candidate’s motivation and passion for the job.
What experience do you have in cleaning?Determine candidate’s level of experience in cleaning.
What cleaning products and tools do you use often?Evaluate candidate’s knowledge of cleaning products and tools.
What types of cleaning tasks have you performed in past roles?Assess candidate’s range of cleaning skills and experience.
What are your strengths as a house cleaner?Determine candidate’s areas of expertise and strengths.
What are your weaknesses as a house cleaner?Assess candidate’s self-awareness and ability to address weaknesses.
How do you handle difficult cleaning situations?Evaluate candidate’s problem-solving skills and ability to handle challenging situations.
How do you prioritize your cleaning tasks?Assess candidate’s organizational skills and ability to manage time effectively.
How do you ensure that you are following safety guidelines while cleaning?Evaluate candidate’s knowledge of safety protocols and procedures.
What are your salary expectations?Determine candidate’s salary expectations and negotiate a fair compensation package.

Remember to tailor the questions to your specific needs and preferences. You may want to add or remove questions depending on the job requirements and your household’s unique needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What experience do you have in cleaning homes?

When hiring a house cleaner, it’s important to ask about their experience in cleaning homes. You want to make sure that the cleaner you hire has the necessary skills and experience to clean your home properly. Ask the candidate about their previous cleaning experience, including how long they’ve been cleaning homes and what types of homes they’ve cleaned.

What cleaning products do you prefer to use and why?

Different cleaners may have different preferences when it comes to cleaning products. Some may prefer to use all-natural or eco-friendly products, while others may prefer more traditional cleaning products. It’s important to ask the candidate what cleaning products they prefer to use and why. This can help you determine if their preferences align with your own and if they have the necessary knowledge to clean your home effectively.

How do you handle difficult or delicate cleaning situations?

Cleaning homes can sometimes involve difficult or delicate cleaning situations. It’s important to ask the candidate how they handle these situations. Do they have experience cleaning delicate surfaces or dealing with tough stains? Do they have a plan for handling difficult cleaning situations? Asking these questions can help you determine if the candidate has the necessary skills and experience to clean your home effectively.

What is your availability and scheduling flexibility?

When hiring a house cleaner, it’s important to make sure that their availability and scheduling flexibility align with your own. Ask the candidate about their availability and if they are willing to work around your schedule. This can help you avoid any scheduling conflicts and ensure that your home is cleaned at a time that works for you.

What sets you apart from other house cleaners?

It’s important to ask the candidate what sets them apart from other house cleaners. This can help you determine if they have any unique skills or experience that make them a good fit for your home. Ask the candidate about their strengths and what makes them stand out as a house cleaner.

Can you provide references or a portfolio of your previous cleaning work?

When hiring a house cleaner, it’s important to ask for references or a portfolio of their previous cleaning work. This can help you determine if the candidate has the necessary skills and experience to clean your home effectively. Ask the candidate for references from previous clients and for examples of their previous cleaning work.

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